Dr Corrie Graboski
Dr. Corrie Graboski is a Physiatrist or Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. This is a specialty that deals with patients who have disability from various causes such as Stroke, Amputation, Brain Injury and pain from numerous conditions such as car accidents, osteoarthritis, sports injuries, etc.
Dr. Graboski has a special interest in headaches. She is trained to treat chronic headaches with Botox injections and is trained in the Vagus Nerve Stimulation Device: gammaCore. She has expertise with the new CGRP blockers that are just entering the market (ie Amovig). She is part of several research trials studying novel migraine medications.
Dr. Graboski is also qualified to perform Electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies to look for various problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome, nerve damage and pinched nerves in your neck or back. She also has a special interest in trigger point injections for myofascial pain and joint injections (i.e. cortisone Synvisc/Durolane).
Dr. Corrie Graboski has a varied hospital-based practise running the Amputee Program at the Royal Jubille Hospital and sees pediatric patients at the Queen Alexandra Hospital. She also consults to the Saanich Peninsula Hospital. She also see patients at her office, by referral only, at Bayside Medical Centre.
Dr Graboski has a keen interest in teaching and research and is an associate professor at UBC.